Perhaps no other fabric is more closely associated with beating the heat than Seersucker. An ingenious invention of ancient weavers in pre-colonial India, Seersucker – a bastardization of the native terms for milk (sir) and sugar (sakar), and a reference to the alternating color and white striped channels of the fabric – is one of the first purpose-built performance fabrics.
Due to both its alternating color/striped design, along with both the variegated channels those stripes create on the surface of the fabric and the natural crinkle of the cotton fibers, hot air is pulled away from the body via the channels (think a radiator or stereo amplifier design) and cooler air is able to move into its vacated place, creating a natural ventilation. Add to that the light colors’ reflective properties and the natural cooling properties of cotton, and a Seersucker suit is about the most stylish AC unit one could imagine.
Being the Southern company worth at least some of its salt, we have had a Seersucker number in the line for more than 50 years, and with its recent renaissance as the go-to garment for dapper dressers in the depths of summer’s swelter, we will surely keep making this iconic item until the remaining cows come home.
Explore the classic styling and timeless appeal of our Seersucker suiting today, and find a store near you to get you trimmed and treated and ready for the races.