Little Big Things: The Bottom Line Shop Fine Dress Pants

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Your search for "h-tech" revealed the following:

Little Big Things: Buttoned Up

Part of what drives Hardwick’s desire to deliver the most thoughtfully-selected, well-designed, impeccably made product in the Made in America tailored clothing game is a personal passion for the finer details of style – the micro level details that separate truly special style from the many also-rans. The little things...

On Location(s): Fall '17 Photoshoots

In addition to the pride we take in our unique title of America’s Oldest, a claim we staked by remaining 100% American Made, every day, since our founding 137 years ago, we take great pride in our Cleveland, Tennessee home. Born here, raised here, and rescued here three years ago...

Men's Flat Front Pant Nested Suit Modern Cut - BLUE - 97/3 WOOL/LYCRA SUPER120

$ 360.00
Sold Out

Our H-Tech Suit is made from 97% Wool ‘Super 120’s’/3% Lycra blend developed exclusively by Hardwick for comfort and increased wrinkle resistance. Cut in our Modern Fit, it features side vents and fully alterable flat front pants. Made in the USA, it is the perfect starter piece for a versatile,...
